Any person, especially a child, needs communication. Without it, children grow insecure and withdrawn. Loneliness is toxic, and the most reliable antidote is friendship.
We help children who lack the support of an adult friend, «Younger.» Our volunteer, the «Senior,» becomes such a friend. He/She accepts the child as he/she is, supports, helps to unlock their potential, to feel self-reliance, to learn elementary things about life, to adapt and participate fully in the life of society.
In the centers of assistance to family education (former orphanages, boarding schools)
Children with disabilities, in foster homes, incomplete, large families
Our volunteer mentors meet with the students every week and spend several hours talking, walking, playing, and/or doing something fascinating.
We also conduct different training events for the children, for example, we teach them how to cook and take care of themselves, as well as inform them about different professions.
Kids get a tremendous amount of support from mentors, however, it would not be possible without a systematic organization.
The main thing that we do is support “mentor-mentee” pairs. We also contact orphanages and families, organize general events and promote our program.
The professionals who do this get paid for devoting their time and effort in helping mentors build trusting and long-term relationships with children on a daily basis.
Пожертвования пойдут на оплату работы психологов, организацию мероприятий и продвижение программы.
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We accept donations from individuals and companies. Not only do we need financial help, but we also love it when people offer to help with anything that has to do with our program. It can be professional services: law, marketing, IT, and transportation. It can also be help with project work and event management. Although individuals usually donate lesser amounts of money than companies, any amount helps. Together these donations make up a significant part of our budget and make a huge difference in what we are able to do for the children.
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